A big BHS congratulations to Jonah Wishman and Rhylee Diehl for receiving gold medals at the virtual State SkillUSA competition in Technical Drafting and Cabinet Making...well done, fellas, and congratulations to Mr. Watson as well!!

The HS track meet in Frenchtown this week has been moved from Saturday to Friday! Go, Dogs!!

This week's activities:
Tues: Tennis @ Home- 1PM
Thurs-Sat: State FFA @ Billings
Wed: V Golf @ Home- 9:30AM, Virtual SkillsUSA Closing Ceremonies @ 10:00AM
Fri: Tennis @ Great Falls- 8AM, JV Golf @ Livingston- 9:30AM
Sat: Tennis @ Great Falls- 8AM, HS Track @ Frenchtown

Just a reminder no school Friday, April 2nd, or Monday, April 5th...Happy Spring Break!!

This week's activities:
Mon: 1st Day of JH Track Practice
Tues: Tennis @ Home-1PM
Thurs: Early Out-1:30PM
Fri-Mon: No School...Spring Break!! Happy Easter!!

Updated elementary drop off and pick up procedures:

A big Bulldog shout out to the following BHS students who placed at the State BPA competition and have qualified for Nationals:
Bastien Grandy- 1st- C# Programming
Averie Bishop- 2nd- C++ Programming
Daimon Marcum- 6th- Python Programming
Congratulations to all!

This week's activities:
Mon-Thurs: Virtual State SkillsUSA Competition
Tues: ACT- 63 Gym, K-2 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8PM
Wed: Jostens Graduation Delivery @ Noon!!
Sat: FFA CDE Days- Vet Competition @ Missoula

Townsend Schools is excited to announce that we are beginning to prepare for the early construction phases of the new elementary project! With that, there will be a few procedure/logistical changes for our elementary students. The first involves playground relocation, student drop-off in the morning, and bus relocation for pick up/drop-off. The playground is being temporarily relocated to the area between the home football bleachers and the new bus barn. Starting this Thursday afternoon, March 18th, the busses will be parking further north, on the same side of Pine St. to pick up students after school, and this will also be the new morning bus drop-off location from now on. Starting this Friday morning, March 19th, the procedure for students who are being dropped off by parents in front of the elementary will continue to be the same, but students will make their way to the new temporary playground by using the sidewalk between the high school and the elementary to the football field. There will be plenty of staff available to assist students with learning the new routines, and please keep in mind this is a very fluid project, and there will be many adjustments to come. We will keep you informed as best we can when procedure changes occur. We are incredibly excited to see this project finally underway!

This week’s activities:
Mon: 1st Day of HS Spring Sports Practice, FFA Districts @ Big Timber
Tues:: ACT Prep Night- 5:30 Mrs. Lampman’s room!
Fri: End of Q3

Congratulations and thank you, Pam Watson, for giving 21 years of your time and energy to keeping Townsend School running smoothly!! Happy retirement, and best wishes for your next adventure...we will miss you!! 💗

Here is the link for tonight's school board meeting. This meeting will start promptly at 6PM. Thanks!

Starting Wednesday, March 10th, public patrons can call and use a library computer for tax purposes. There are 3 computers available from 4-7 p.m. M-F and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please call 266-5060 to reserve your spot. Masks are required, and please sanitize your computer after use. Public librarians are unable to provide one-on-one tax/computer assistance.

The Bulldogs lost a scrapper tonight to the Lodge Grass Indians 67-52. What an incredible effort by our boys...we are so proud!! Our Dogs take on Three Forks, Friday @ 11:00AM, at Lockwood...hang tough, boys!!! 😃🙌🏻💙🐾🏀

This week's activities:
Tues: 3-12 Parent/Teacher Conf. 4PM-8PM, Spring Sports Parent/Training Rules Meeting for golf, track and tennis- 6:30PM (only for those who have not attended a meeting this year).
Wed- Sat: Divisional BB Tournament @ Billings! Bulldogs vs Lodge Grass @ 7:30PM Wed...GOOD LUCK, BULLDOGS AND COACHES!
Fri & Sat: State Wrestling @ Shelby! GOOD LUCK, GRAPPLERS AND COACHES!

Just a reminder that the spring sports parent/training rules meeting, for tennis, golf and track, is tonight (Tuesday) at the high school @ 6:30! This is only required for students and parents who have not attended a meeting yet this year. Thanks!

Good morning Bulldog BB Fans!! Here is the link to purchase tickets from the Metra for the Southern B Divisional BB Tournament in Billings! Please come pick up the password directly from the HS office asap. We will be in the building until 8:00PM this evening. These are the only tickets available to our fans for the entire tournament, so act quickly, and please only share the password privately, as we have had numerous calls from other school's fans trying to get the password to buy our only allotted tickets. Thank you, and GO, BULLDOGS!!

Well done BHS BPA students!!! 😃👍🏻

Don't forget Parent/Teacher conferences are tomorrow from 4-8PM!!

Get Stoked!!