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Donna Cutshaw
Admin Assistant
Susie Hedalen
Sheri Heavrin
HS Principal
(406) 441-3472
Brad Racht
MS Principal
(406) 441-3453
Christina Hartmann
K-5 Principal
(406) 441-3425
Kayce Williams
Interim District Clerk
Pam Watson
Assistant District Clerk
Alison Ferreira
K-8 Secretary / State Reporter
Wanda Moldenhauer
HS Secretary
High School
(406) 441-3470
Jasmine Ankerstjerne
Middle School Social Studies & Foreign Language
Laura Ascheman
HS Math Teacher
High School
Allison Bakken
3rd Grade Teacher
Elementary/Middle School
Denise Bakkum
Band and Choral Director / Speech and Drama Coach
High School
Britney Bancroft
HS Special Ed
High School
Jeremy Bartlett
MS & HS Art Teacher
Elementary/Middle School
Gary Bauman
MS Math Teacher
Elementary/Middle School
Darlene Beck
HS Dual Credit English Teacher
High School
Magalie Belanger
K-5 Special Ed
Elementary/Middle School
Megan Bleile
HS Math Teacher
High School
Jamee Cameron
1st Grade Teacher
Elementary/Middle School