Broadwater School and Community Library
Welcome to Broadwater School and Community Library
New Public Library Hours Effective 8/26/24
Monday-Thursday -- 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Friday-Saturday -- 9:00 AM-4:00 PM
Sunday -- 12:00 PM-5:00PM
Curbside also available please call:
Type in the title and author of a book you or your student likes and this site will give you suggestions for other titles you might also like.
Broadwater Community Library Card Catalog
We have movies and audiobooks for rent.
If you would like a library number, come on in and we can get you signed up! Only takes a few minutes and no I.D. required! Community members can check out up to 15 books at a time and they are due in two weeks, however, books can be renewed up to 4 weeks! How exciting!
School children can check out up to three books at a time and also have two weeks to read them and bring them back!

Checkout our Kindle Readers and MtLibrary2Go. Get free books for your electronic devices.
Books and Babies Story Hour
First Three Fridays of each month
10:00-11:00 a.m.
Starting October 4th, 2024
We also offer free Wi-Fi and computer use. Printing is 25 cents per colored page and 10 cents per black and white page.
Book Club is the first Thursday of every month at 7 P.M.